my disabled brother is seriously acrophobic. one time we were at the science center and on the second floor, where all the railings are made of glass. he could only walk in the very center, and only pretty much doubled over. Look at the T-rex, i said, pointing to the 2 story t rex model that you could see from the second floor. he looked over, then proceeded to get down on his elbows and knees and crawl army style towards the clear railing to see the dinosaur. this was really pathetic.
my dad wanted my brother to get over his fear of heights by having him go up on a ladder in the house to change the smoke detector batteries. come here he said to my brother. my brother got two rungs up and then said he had to go to the bathroom. he stayed in the bathroom so long that it was time to go to bed, and he got out of having to go on the ladder.
the next night dad had my brother get on the ladder. bathroom he said again. bro got down and went to the toilet. dad said ok, waited 3 minutes and then decided to go after him. when he went in the bathroom, he didn’t see any signs of bro.
but on closer inspection the shower curtain was pulled completely shut. my dad opened the curtain and found bro in there, sitting and trying not to be found.
i thought it was really sad, but dad made him do the smoke detectors anyway.