fairy land

condo neighbors grind my gears.  we live in a condo – we’re not incompotent boobs.  and there lies the problem.  we end up fixing the building, while they end up trashing it.  just one example – around 5am, one morning i was having a dream about a waterfall in the forest.  i was walking through a misty wood, damp with dew, and i came upon a waterfall.  i remember it clearly because i was on a hot pursue of an elusive unicorn friend of mine.  anyway, the water was sounding so real.  was it raining outside?  did i leave the bedroom window open last night?  all of a sudden i startled.  i bolted straight out of bed and ran to the bathroom where i found the waterfall.  pouring out of the ventilation fan onto the floor where it had become a pond, also started running through our ceiling into our hallway below.  there was no unicorn — but that water had been running a while because my dream had been pretty involved.  i threw on a bathrobe and ran upstairs and pounded on the neighbor’s door loudly.  after 5 minutes he opened sleepily.  yeah – i said – there’s water pouring out of the ceiling.  would you happen to know anything about that?  uh – he said – my toilet over flowed on the bathroom floor, i didn’t know what to do.  i said — well could you stop the water and mop up what’s on your floor then?  by that time bub had gotten the tarp out, and we had put a bucket down, and mopped up what we could.   about 5 minutes later the water from the neighbor had stopped.

so the question remains — is it my job to boss people in my life?  is it my calling?  if people just first thought to them selves WWID (what would idontlikesomepeople do) and then did it.  things would run a LOT smoother around here.

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