game lovers beware

ok, so i got this new video game.  i’m not usually the type of nerd that gets really super involved in video games, but there’s this one called rachet and clank, i just got it.  its about a tiny fox and a robot that fits in his backpack. and the basic premise is that people like to smash stuff and hear it smash and watch stuff get pulverized and get money and watch cute stuff and laugh.  let me tell you this game is like crack.  i have never been so addicted, well unless you count a brief sims stint i had about 9 years ago.  so anyway i am trying to limit my play time since on days i get involved i could spend oh maybe 8+ hours messing around in this game.  i think the thing with it is, that its SO easy.  like you never really die, you come right back with all your stuff, you get rewarded like a pavlovian dog with the smashing sound of breaking glass, and you feel really great about yourself because, hello you’re playing awesome in the game.  so i am a super star in my own home, even if i am sleepy at work the next day, it’s totally worth it.

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