grill master

i have recently become a griller.  i was very excited about it because  i felt like it put me in touch with our cave dwelling ancestors who only had fire to cook their meat.  so we finally got a place that was uppity enough to have a tiny outside place to put a little charcoal kettle grill.  the first time we tried to cook out it was laughable.  let’s just say we city people aren’t in touch with our fire starting primal instincts.  and of course we had to try to grill like “grill masters” right off the bat.  that means no lighter fluid, no match light, just charcoal and water soaked hickory chips for smoke, yeah it was going to be a feast.  after 2.5 hours of trying to light the coal with newspaper, loss of day light, and severe hunger we took our raw cold curry flavored chicken legs and vegetable kebabs back inside and broiled them in the oven.  so much for instincts, i used that appliance with pride though, ovens are our evolutionary right as modern man.

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