summer is short in boston, but not so short that i don’t have to start calling bub “sticky”. come here sticky, i’ll say, and give me a hug, but don’t put your sticky face on me! in the winter it’s good having sticky around, he’s not sticky then, he’s more like a space heater that runs on food. it’s better if sticky goes to bed first in the winter time — to warm up my spot. but in the summer, forgetaboutit. it’s a must that sticky doesn’t cross imaginary but crucial line down the center of the bed. otherwise you’ll hear me yell.. don’t put that sweaty paw on me! honestly though maybe the whole reason sticky is so thin is that it takes so much energy to put out all that extra sweat, heat and grease. i guess i’d take sticky and thin, over clean and fat. so, maybe he’s sick but lucky.
the clean and the sweaty
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