who is all over who

flashback: last thanksgiving friend’s parents house.  two daughters and their two bfs, and the parents, and me and bub.  let me just say that both of these couples were all up in each other’s grills.  i found out the day before that there were going to be 2 bfs and not 1, so obviously i was a bit hesitant.

so we go there, and i must say it was worse than i thought. :)  it was like.. gravy on mashed potatoes.  and i didn’t know where to look.  one was kissing the other’s neck while we were talking, and then there was hair petting, but he missed a few strands – so the hair wasn’t all together, it’s not right, that’s not how you do it– doesn’t he see??  Am i supposed to look at that?  look away?  should i pretend its happening, should i not?  all these things lead to u know uncomfortable.  i console myself by making undirected comments to the room.  They’re sitting on each other’s laps.

“Boy” i say.  “There is a lot of empty furniture in here… with no one sitting on it.” or.

“Wow, everyone is pretty friendly in here.”

By the end I try to play it funny.  “Who was here longer?  this BF or the other BF?”

then i say, “well, this one i will call BF1, and this one i will call number 2”

decorating the tree was on the agenda and while the ladies decorated the BFs looked on from their respective couch positions.  “Look alive number 2,”  i interrupt, “your lady is up and decorating, if you want to be a part of this family boy, you’re gonna to have to participate in the traditions .. and enjoy it!”

that was enough to get one of them out of the chair.  so i felt i did my part for the good of the family.

the epilogue to this story is that in talking to one of the sisters – she vehemently denies that she was ever “all over”  her BF. and that it was really the “other one” that was doing all the smooching.  we can pretend that, but i am pretty sure we all know what really happend.

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