this weekend we had an indian house guest. i had no idea but apparently they can be pretty hairy. at first after he left i was giving him a dirtiness rating of 6 (with 10 being the most dirty). this was significantly better rating than i gave to bub’s brother after he visited – he had rocked a 10 on the dirtiness scale. i mean after the bub in law left there were huge black streaks in the tub from where someone had felt an extreme need to exfoliate ??? anyway, i went to the bathroom to clean/dis-infect this time and then i realized that there was tiny hair everywhere. it had blended into the pattern of the counter top tile and the floor tile. when i got closer to the tub to soft scrub it — i realized more hair everywhere.. and wipe and wipe and wipe. its soooo weird. i had no idea, for some reason i think people who are the same color as bub are approximately as hairy — meaning, not very.. but i see i was mistaken. i have a lot to learn. oh, the the house guest’s dirtiness rating was really a 9.