pregnancy scare part deux

all these acquaintances of mine are into using their ovaries.  i can appreciate people wanting to do that if they want to.  what frightens me is seeing other petite sized females going to full term.  one friend due in november said to me –  listen – you are a realist so i am just going to tell you – it’s as bad as you think it is.  send me a picture, i said.  so i can know what it would be like if it happened to me.  no way jose! she said. no pictures.  eh, fine i said.  then another rotund friend decided to post her 38th week photo on fb.  omg – i took one look at it, then another, then another – getting more freaked out the whole time.  i mean you could tell that she was dressed in large clothing… sweat pants, a very wide t shirt.  but let me tell you that t shirt was stretched! to fit around her midsection.  she was looking ROUGH, and it made me think of women as breeding livestock.  ICK.  i had bad dreams that night.

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